Consider gifting loved ones with financial security through insurance. Understand how gifting insurance can provide long-term financial stability and a secure future.
Delhi-NCR Air Pollution and smog have triggered worries as air quality has hit a ‘severe’ category. Learn why this is a critical time to revisit your health plan!
A common perception is that a person has to be hospitalised for over 24 hours to claim a health insurance policy. While this is typically true, specific treatments such as radiotherapy, dialysis, cataract surgery, colonoscopy etc., are examples of procedures that require less than a day of hospitalisation and are usually included in your health insurance plan.
A recent survey indicates that India is fast evolving as a leading buyer of cyber covers. Explore why the insurance industry must remain at the forefront of innovations.
Achim Steiner, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations & Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme rightly observes: “In 1992, the risks to people and the planet from accelerating environmental degradation and social inequalities were just being glimpsed.